For frequent visitors to this site, you will know that we don't advertise anything for sale, other than books about miniatures and conservation and other services to collectors. One particular problem for collectors is trying to obtain bespoke frames, which can be tricky and most of us resort to buying damaged/poor quality/ugly sitter miniatures to strip them of their fine contemporary frames from time to time.
For later miniatures, however, there are two firms that do an admirable job of supplying brass, gold plated and wooden frames and a few accessories. The British firm's website is and the US firm's website is Both of these are worth checking out because of their different sizes and between the two, most sizes can be accommodated. The former also has a bespoke service for brass frames.
For the 'missing pin' problem, we buy Pony Sequin and Bead Pins no.25202. Not only are they satisfyingly cheap, but there are enough pins in the pack to last most collectors a lifetime! Another issue is often the missing hanging ring, where we suspect that such is the rarity value of these rings, that they are deliberately removed! Now that we are prepared to tell you our secret, the rarity value will be no more! Ebay sellers galore sell these rings in all sizes and finishes - brass, gold plated, silver coloured - a search engine will reveal plenty of choice for 'Gold colour split rings'. Mostly sold in packs of 100 or more, they are ridiculously inexpensive.